Sunday, August 11, 2013

Best of India - In Pictures

I just went through many of the 5,000 or so pictures I took during my trips to India between 2006 and today - and here comes a small handpicked selection of (some of) the best moments in the country:

Chetan's wedding

With Brit at a restaurant close to the train station (city unknown)

Boat trip on the Godavri River (of course the white man was asked to sing)
Giving everything

The first and still one of my favourite restaurants I have been to in Mumbai - the Gaylord, close to Churchgate

I had a pretty bad day today...
A proper back scratcher (in the museum somewhere between Agra, Jaipur and Delhi)

At the Jantar Mantar (also somewhere in the Golden Triangle)

Joe's hitting the road (in Jaipur)

A Rajasthani comes home (probably one of my favourite areas in India, apart from Kerala, Ooty, and many others..)

Mr Bollywood himself (just having a Biryani with my humble self in Tirupathi)
Wedding, II.

Banana time

That doesn't fit too well, does it?!



 Sacrificed, II.

On the train from A to B

In Tirupathi

On the street


 In Ooty (one of the hill stations), at the Sherlock

 Proper steam engine for the way up to Ooty

Sunset in Cochi (Kerala) - one of the most beautiful ones I have seen
Sunset in Cochi, II.
Sunset in Cochi, III.
Sunset in Cochi, IV.

Celebrating my 34st birthday according to local customs

Birthday, II.

Birthday, III. (with my sister)

Conference in Cochi, with quite an extensive (Christian) ceremony in the beginning (followed by a spontaneous address I had to deliver)


Aimy Sebastian said...


Are you in India now?

Anonymous said...

you ware looking beautiful in the Indian traditional attire - kurta&pyjama.