Sunday, July 16, 2006

Trip to India - Mumbai/Pune/Bangalore are coming

The first two weeks of August will bring me to India - several reasons, among them work-related and world-related ones. Watch this space for news, photos and information on how long it takes to mess up my digestive system.

Take care,

Venice and all the rest

Well well ... summer arrived, the first travel season of the year is over and for now just the proof that I have been away. A couple of impressions of Venice - our hotel (allegedly the one where "Tod in Venedig" by Mann was shot), the Des Bains:

Not bad at all. A nice balcony where Indian cigarettes and Scotch were consumed around midnight in summer nights still warm.

And a little closer:
As you can (or can't) see - situated directly at the beach. Every morning the difficult (or not so difficult) decision: Conference or swimming?

Since I am a useless romantic also an equally useless picture to demonstrate it:

And ... with Zhan (my colleague I am sharing the room at work with) at the waterfront:

We had a two-hour tour showing us St Mark's Square. Since we literally stayed _on the square_ we had enough time to shoot pictures, so, I have indeed been there:

The official section is closed now. There are lots more pictures I have, but ... too intimate, my friends, for this public space ...

Take care,