Sunday, July 16, 2006

Venice and all the rest

Well well ... summer arrived, the first travel season of the year is over and for now just the proof that I have been away. A couple of impressions of Venice - our hotel (allegedly the one where "Tod in Venedig" by Mann was shot), the Des Bains:

Not bad at all. A nice balcony where Indian cigarettes and Scotch were consumed around midnight in summer nights still warm.

And a little closer:
As you can (or can't) see - situated directly at the beach. Every morning the difficult (or not so difficult) decision: Conference or swimming?

Since I am a useless romantic also an equally useless picture to demonstrate it:

And ... with Zhan (my colleague I am sharing the room at work with) at the waterfront:

We had a two-hour tour showing us St Mark's Square. Since we literally stayed _on the square_ we had enough time to shoot pictures, so, I have indeed been there:

The official section is closed now. There are lots more pictures I have, but ... too intimate, my friends, for this public space ...

Take care,

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