Saturday, December 22, 2007

Bye, bye Boston...

If someone had told me before coming to Boston that I would find a Girl I love, publish a paper in the Nature journal series, and return to Europe calling another place my home I would have been surprised by so much optimism. Now all of that has become true and I enjoyed my last 2 years in the US. Bye bye, Boston. You have treated me very well. I will be back, I promise.


Egon Willighagen said...

Hi Andreas, is it Leiden, as I heard rumours about?

Andy said...

Hi Egon, yes, the rumors are completely right, I will start in Leiden in about 2 weeks. Just spending the end of the year in Berlin, and then I will move over. Have a good Christmas time and let me know when you are around! - A.

kirschkernchen said...

Hallo Andreas,
ich sende Dir mal ein ganz heimatliches "Frohe Weihnachten" und kann kaum glauben, dass Du schon zwei Jahre in Boston verbracht hast und die Zeit so schnell vergangen ist. Seit August bin ich in Durham, wo es mir prima gefällt, und die privaten Veränderungen rücken zumindest ein wenig in den Hintergrund.
Komm gut ins neue Jahr und hab' einen schönen Start in Leiden.
Viele Grüße